The Montgomery Tartan The Montgomery Crest
The Montgomery Tartan The Montgomery Crest

Ancestry of Harry DeVaughn Montgomery Jr. & Selene Marie Redle
Most of the names on the trees below are linked to additional information.
Click on the names for additional details.
Ancestry trees for parents of Harry DeVaughn Montgomery Jr.
Harry DeVaughn Montgomery Sr............. Doris May Mueller

Ancestry trees for parents of Selene Marie Redle
Joseph Henry Redle............ Katherine Elizabeth Lichtefeld
Thanks to Ella McGavin (nee Kelsey) niece of Bertha Augusta Devaughn, who provided the informatin on that line.

Thanks also to the late John Henry Mueller Jr. whose earlier research and writings on the Mueller line provided a sizeable portion of this information.

If you have additional information or comments on this page please contact me at

<database last updated at February 22, 1998>

Harry DeVaughn Montgomery Sr. Tree

Generations removed from Harry DeVaughn Montgomery Sr.:
7           6           5           4           3           2           1
                                                            (George W.) Montgomery
                                                                         Harry Harris 'Arthur' Montgomery
                                                            (Maria E. Daugherty)          |
                                                                                          >    Harry D. Montgomery Sr..
                        James DeVaughn                                                    |
                                    Walter DeVaughn                                       |
                        Lydia (?)             |                                           |
                                              > Chapman Roberts DeVaughn                  |
                                              |           |                               |
                                    Pricilla Reading      |                               |
                                                          > Newton Pinkerton DeVaughn     |
                                                          |             |                 |
                                    George Jameson        |             |                 |
                                              |                         |                 |
                                              > Martha Ann Jameson      |                 |
                        Charles Legg          |                         |                 |
                                  |           |                         |                 |
                                  > Rebecca Legg                        |                 |
                                  |                                     |                 |
            William Wilcoxon      |                                     |                 |
                        Rachel Wilcoxon                                 |                 |
            Rebeckah (?)                                                |                 |
                                                                        > Bertha Augusta Devaughn
Bartholomaus Breiner                                                    |
            Christian Breiner                                           |
Maria Bitschenaur     |                                                 |
                      > Franz Anton Breiner                             |
Joseph (Brand/Brandt) |        |                                        |
            Maria C. Brandt    |                                        |
Anna Eva Schneiderlochner      |                                        |
                               >  (Johan Martin) Breiner                |
                               |             |                          |
Leonhard Ober                  |             |                          |
            Joseph Ober        |             |                          |
Catharina Ober       |         |             |                          |
                     |         |             |                          |
                     > Maria Elizabetha Ober |                          |
                     |                       |                          |
Peter Ritter         |                       |                          |
            Anna Margaretha Ritter           |                          |
Elisabetha Halber                            |                          |
                                             |                          |
                                             > Francis Joe Breiner      |
                       Jean Post             |          |               |
                                   Margitette Post      |               |
                       Catherine E. Walther             |               |
                                                        > Mary Elizabath Breiner
Andreas Oberbeck                                        |
           Phillip Jacob Oberbeck                       |
Elizabeth Drach      |                                  |
                     > Andreas Oberbeck II              |
                     |           |                      |
           Maria (Sara/Saira)    |                      |
                                 > John George Oberbeck |
                                 |           |          |
                                 |           |          |
                       Anna Frankenfield     |          |
                                             > Anna J. Oberbeck
                       Conrad Schumacher     |
                                   Maria Eva Schumacher
                       Catharine Bierson

Doris May Mueller Tree

Jacob Mueller John Henry Mueller Sr Sophia Wuest | | > Doris May. Mueller | Heinrich Bode | John A. Bode | Maria Haier | | | | > Rose Katherine Bode | Melchoir J. vanDroste | Elizabeth M. Droste Katherine Friei

Joseph Henry Redle Tree

Otto Otmar Redle Jr. | > Joseph Henry Redle | Henry Huber | Maria Rosalie Huber Mary Merkle

Katherine Elizabeth Lichtefeld Tree

Bernard Joseph Lichtefeld Bernard Henry Lichtefeld Elizabeth Schulte | | > Katherine Elizabeth Lichtefeld | Alma M. Meyer

Thank you for visiting.